This article attempts to describe the developments in the scientific examination of counterfeit coins since 1950. It is does not attempt to describe in detail the scientific techniques mentioned. It only describes the use to which they have been put. The aim is for it to be understandable to the non-scientist who is interested in coins.
In the Counterfeit Coin Newsletter No. 2 the story of the counterfeiting of the British gold sovereign in the 1950's and 1960's was sketched out. Since that time the scientific techniques available for examining coins have been transformed. In 1950 there were a group of classical technique available for examining counterfeit coins. These included visual examination, weighing, specific gravity determination, hardness testing, metallography showing the crystal structure of the coin and chemical analysis. These last two both involved the partial destruction of the coin. They were not usually considered practical especially when examining high value or rare pieces.
The procedures used by the British Royal Mint at that time, note 1, are illustrative of those used by other experts in the universities, museums and fledgling forensic science laboratories of the world. Examining the first groups of counterfeit sovereigns they relied heavily on the weights of the coins and visual inspection. They occasionally supplemented this with a gold fire assay on a representative coin from a batch to determine the amount of gold present in the alloy. The gold sovereign is made to a very tight tolerance in both weight and gold fineness. The counterfeiters' weight and fineness control was not to this standard and their products were obvious using these relatively simple tests.
The cupellation stage of gold assaying
Visual Examination
Visual examination of suspected coins has always and probably always will be one of the main weapons against the counterfeiter. In 1993 Sylvia Hurter, former chairman of the IAPN Anti-forgery Committee, wrote, note 2, concerning the "Black Sea Hoard" controversy (, "What this imbroglio teaches us is that we should continue to rely on our eyes rather than always turning to scientific props." Although this position is extreme this controversy certainly shows that scientific evidence must be based on "good" science and viewed as part of the evidence and not the only valid evidence.
Visual examination can give clues as to whether the coin is made of the correct material by way of colour and brightness. It can show incorrect manufacturing procedures, such as a cast instead of a struck coin. Earle Caley of Ohio State University, note 3, made a good summary of some of these types of signs in an article in Numismatic Review in 1945. Casting technology has improved significantly since this article and not all the points are now relevant. Visual examination can also show stylistic anomalies, especially in counterfeits of ancient coins. It also allows the identification of die faults transferred to the counterfeit. This allows batches of counterfeits from the same source to be grouped together. It allows the identification of most low-grade counterfeits without having to use any sophisticated techniques.
Caley's review shows that high powered microscopes were being used for the visual examination of coins prior to the 1940's. However their use for examining coins was not widespread. The Royal Mint in the 1950's usually only used low powered x6 or x10 eyeglasses for examining suspected counterfeit coins although they possessed more powerful optical microscopes. The low powered eyeglass and the loop still retains a strong position with numismatists and for preliminary examinations. However the main tool in the visible examination of coins has become the stereomicroscope, note 4.
A typical stereomicroscope
The stereomicroscope has a relatively low magnification but provides a three dimensional image and a relatively wide field of vision. Another type of microscope used in this field is the electron microscope. This offers significantly greater magnifications but the colours it shows are not true colours. It can be used to view the crystal structure of the metal and artefacts on a similar scale, but it is my opinion that apart from these uses it is of limited use for counterfeit investigation. The electron microscope can be useful when used in association with a spectrometer, this will be dealt with later. The comparison microscope, where images from what is in effect two separate microscopes are brought together for comparison, had some limited use but digital images and computer software have now displaced this technique.
One part of the coin which counterfeiters usually take much less care reproducing is what has been called the third side, the edge. One feature not usually reproduced correctly is the number of notches on the milled edge. In the middle 1950s the Royal Mint started to use this as an important objective measure for authenticating sovereigns. Examining the files it would appear that they first learnt the technique from the one of the German mints. The counting of the notches was made easier by rolling the coin on plasticine and either counting the notches made using a travelling microscope or photographing the plasticine and then counting the notches on a photographic enlargement. In 2000 European mints were using a profile projector for the quality control of the shape of notches etc. and these mints are beginning to use this in the characterisation of counterfeit edges.
The technique of measuring notches
In the late 1950's the Royal Mint started to photograph the examined counterfeits. This was for record and reference purposes but also it allowed easy examination and comparison of coins for defects and die matches. These photographs allowed connections to be made between counterfeit coins seized in a number of different countries. Although photographic equipment and techniques have improve significantly since this time, the approximately four inch (about 100mm) diameter black and white photographs produced by the Royal Mint during the 1960's have not been surpassed for defect illustration. To a non-photographer this appears to have been due to the careful illumination that produced the minimum reflection and shadows. Since that time colour photography has become ubiquitous. Polaroid photography has come and almost gone and the continuous rise of digital photography is still with us. Many microscopes now have attachments to allow digital photographs to be taken and stored as an object is examined. The risk with digital photographs is that the image can be manipulated to "improve" evidence.
Relative density
In the 1950's the Royal Mint did not usually measure the relative density or specific gravity of suspected counterfeit coins. Although the technique is very old the first published attempts at quantifying the accuracy of the procedure for determining the fineness of gold objects was by Earle Caley of Ohio State University in the late 1940s and early 1950's, note 5. In binary alloys (i.e. mixtures of two metals) the larger the difference in relative density of the two pure metals in the alloy the better the accuracy possible with the method.
In 1956 Dr.J.Watson, the then Chemist and Assayer, wrote rather intemperately in an internal note, " It is the Royal Mint's opinion , .... that small differences in density are of no value whatever." The relative density was still not recommended in the Royal Mint's procedures in 1963 but the procedure had become firmly established by the early 1970's. This may have been due to the succession to the Chemist and Assayer position of the more open minded E.(Ernest) G.V.Newman. Later in the 1970's in his position as director of the International Bureau for the Suppression of Counterfeit Coin Newman made wide use of the technique.
The relative density is determined by weighing the coin first in air and then in a liquid of known relative density. Initially the liquid used was water. In 1970, to improve the accuracy of the technique, Hughes and Oddy of the British Museum, note 6, suggested its replacement with perfluoro-1-methyl decalin which had a lower surface tension and higher relative density. Other replacement liquids have been suggested since then but water is still widely used.
The techniques main advantages are that it is non-destructive and uses the whole coin eliminating any sampling errors. Oddy and Hughes explained the three main defects of the technique for determine the gold fineness of an alloy as:
(i) It can only be applied with great accuracy to binary alloys.
(ii) Corrosion products on the object.
(iii) Gas bubbles in the object.
The technique is currently usually used in counterfeit investigations not to determine the composition of a coin but for comparison against a known, genuine coin. It is relatively most reliable with struck gold coins, usable with high silver alloy coins but it use for cast, copper alloys is problematic.
Classical chemical analysis
Classical chemical analysis reached the peak of its use and usefulness by the 1960's. The techniques available for ancient coins were summarised by Caley in his book, "Analysis of Ancient Metals", note 7. The techniques for more modern alloys and coins are spread out over a vast array of books and journal articles mainly published up to the early 1970s. These techniques usually involved the dissolution of a significant sample of the metal alloy in an acid. The sample needed to be representative of the whole coin and to contain no surface corrosion. However because of the relatively large sample size used in these techniques micro-segregation in the coin was generally overcome. These techniques although often slow and time consuming offered great accuracy and precision. However they were generally poor in determining elements present at the trace level.
Since the late 1950s, 1960s, early 1970s analytical techniques have been transformed by a series of different instrumental techniques. The roll for the classical techniques has been gradually squeezed to almost zero. They are used in chemical education and perhaps in the analysis of standard materials but rarely elsewhere. This means that even when there may be an advantage in using one of the techniques there is nobody available who is trained and experienced in their use. The last significant publications of ancient coin analysis utilising these types of technique appear to have been by Lawrence Cope between 1967 and 1977, note 8.
In the 1970s the Royal Mint used a selection of these techniques for analysing low melting point white metal alloys. These lead/tin/antimony alloys are often used in cast counterfeits. Poor casting technique often produced significant segregation during solidification. This meant that the classical techniques using a large sample size produced more representative results for these alloying elements. The destruction of a portion of the counterfeit coin was not significant as a number of counterfeit coins were usually found in this type of prosecution.
Excluding gold and silver assaying it has not been possible to find any evidence that classical chemical analysis techniques are currently being used in counterfeit coin investigations.
Note 1: Royal Mint files deposited at the National Archive: MINT20-2317, 20-2318, 20-2319, 20-2320, 20-2321. These are titled, Counterfeit: sovereigns, and cover the period 1950 to 1959
Note 2: Sylvia Hurter, "The Black Sea Hoard", Bulletin on Counterfeits, 1993, vol. 18, no. 1, pp 34-35
Note 3: Caley, Earle R., "Methods of distinguishing cast from struck coins", Numismatic Review, 1945, 2, no. 4, pp 21-24
Note 4: Meng, Hsien-Hui et al, " A systematic procedure for the forensic examination of questioned coins with a face value of fifty New Taiwan Dollars, Forensic Science Journal (Taiwan), 2002, 1, pp 39-46
Note 5: Caley, Earle R.,"Validity of the specific gravity method for the determination of the fineness of gold objects", Ohio Journal of Science, 1949, 49, pp 73-82
Note 6: Hughes. M.J. & Oddy, W.A., "A reappraisal of the specific gravity method for the analysis of gold alloys", Archaeometry, 1970, 12, pp 1-11
Note 7: Caley, Earle R., "Analysis of Ancient Metals", book, published by Pergamon Press 1964
Note 8: Compiled by Oddy, W.A., "Numismatic bibliography of Lawrence H. Cope", Metallurgy in Numismatics, vol 1, 1980, pp 216-217
For a wide ranging view of many of the scientific techniques used to examine coins (especially ancient ones), I would recommend "Metallurgy in Numismatics, Volume 4" published in 1998 by the Royal Numismatic Society.
Copyright Robert Matthews 2004
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